The Wicked + The Divine Volume 8: Old is the New New Spiral-Bound | March 12, 2019

Kieron Gillen, Stephanie Hans (By (artist)), Andre Lima Araujo (By (artist)), Matt Wilson (By (artist)), Kris Anka (By (artist)), Jen Bartel (By (artist))

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Modernist poets trapped in an Agatha Christie Murder Mystery. The Romantics gathering in Lake Geneva to resurrect the dead. What really happened during the fall of Rome. The Lucifer who was a nun, hearing Ananke's Black Death confession. As we approach the end, we start to see the full picture. Also includes the delights of the WicDiv Christmas Annual and the Comedy special.

Collects all six of THE WICKED + THE DIVINE's essential Specials.

GENRE Superheroes, Urban Fantasy, Crime & Mystery
Modernist poets trapped in an Agatha Christie Murder Mystery. The Romantics gathering in Lake Geneva to resurrect the dead. What really happened during the fall of Rome. The Lucifer who was a nun, hearing Ananke's Black Death confession. As we approach the end, we start to see the full picture. Also includes the delights of the WicDiv Christmas Annual and the Comedy special.

Collects all six of THE WICKED + THE DIVINE's essential Specials.
Publisher: Diamond Books
Original Binding: Paperback
Pages: 232 pages
ISBN-10: 1534308806
Item Weight: 1.0 lbs
Dimensions: 6.0 x 1.0 x 10.0 inches
Kieron Gillen first came to attention in his 2006 collaboration with Jamie McKelvie, Phonogram. Jamie and he have yet to escape each other, and have somehow roped the otherwise innocent Matt Wilson into this unfortunate pop-comics Katamari. Their most successful work is their 2014 ongoing series, The Wicked + The Divine. Kieron's other books for Image include Three and the forthcoming Die. His other books include many titles published by Marvel (featuring characters you've probably heard of) and Avatar (featuring characters you probably haven't.) He lives in London. He's listening to Sound and Vision. He's stopping writing now.